+91-8750230008 ,9811440213


Ayurveda mentions a person is a unity of body, mind and soul. Any course of treatment must be given according to type of individual’s need , constitution(Prakriti), doshas.

The health packages includes–

- Initial examination by doctor – It includes case history, life style, food pattern, day and night regime, pulse diagnosis, dosha-dhatuparikshan, physical check-up.

- The precise treatment program will be planned individually.

- The same applies to the Ayurvedic diet plan.

- Package plan and duration of treatment will be based on individual health condition.

1. Seasonal body cleansing-

Ayurveda has mentioned various panchkarma cleansing procedures at every change of season, to remove vitiated doshas, physical and mental impurities from body. It prevents from seasonal diseases and life style disorder.

Spring (VasantRitu) –Vamana for Kaphadosha, Rainy (VarshaRitu) –Basti for Vatadosha, Autumn (SharadRitu) - Virechan and Raktamokshan for Pitta dosha.

Duration - Each seasonal procedure takes 7-10 days.

2. Complete body detoxification and rejuvenation-

Body purification by major Panchkarma procedures followed by Rasayana treatment (Rejuvenation).

Duration - 45 days

3. Relaxing:

This package is designed in a way that a person can relax physically and mentally both in a short duration.
Duration- 5 days

4. Balancing of Doshas:

This package is designed with couple of purificatory method that within a shorter duration, balancing process can be started.
Duration- 7 days

5. De-Stressing:

This package is designed with a combination of yoga, meditation and Ayurvedic therapies especially for stress management.
Duration- 10 days

6. Cleansing:

The body purification therapy supports the body’s natural mechanism to eliminate toxins to regains its balance of Vata, Pitta and Kapha. In this package one major cleaning process is performed.
Duration- 14 days

6. Detox:

The main aspect of this package involves taking Rasayanas (very specialised Ayurvedic medicine) and also purifying the body to increase Ojus (immunity) in the body.
Duration- 21 days

7. Life style disease prevention:

The most challenging and burning problem in the world is now becoming life style diseases. This package is designed to stop the pathogenesis and stimulate the inbuilt healing process in the body.
Duration- 28 days

8. Weight loss programe:

This package encompasses herbal powder massage and treatment with various medicinal herbal oils. The goal is to achieve long-term weight loss by changing the metabolism. A special Ayurvedic diet plan is recommended during treatment.
Duration- 28 days

9. Pre Wedding Detoxification-

Body cleansing helps to restore balance in your body and mind. It is always adviced to start a couple of month prior to big day. Package also includes dietary advice and counselling.

10. Pre conception detoxification

It includes detoxification and rejuvination of couple before planning for pregnancy , it is also an essential part of garbhsanskara.

11. Easy labor Package-

Again it is a part of garbhSanskar. Delivery is a natural process, Some panchkarma procedures helps to deliver baby with ease and less pain. Counselling, exercise and yoga prepare pregnant women for successful and easy delivery. We should keep in mind that these all procedures does not give any guarantee of normal delivery.

12. Pre exam counselling and relaxation-

Couple of ayurvedic procedures, dietary advice, relaxation techniques and counselling helps students to deal with pre exam stress, and perform better in exams.

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